- According to the most recently available data released by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as of December 2, 2014, Care One at East Brunswick had Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) hours per resident day below both the state and the national averages.
- Daniel Straus Leaves NYU Law’s Board of Trustees
- Two prior U.S. Department of Labor investigations resulted in back wages being paid to certain Care One employees.
- Administrator turnover at nursing homes has been linked to quality-of-care deficiencies including higher rates of bed sores.
- The FDA has warned that anti-psychotic drugs are associated with an increased risk of death when used in patients with dementia.
- Warning Medicare Beneficiaries! MMM Healthcare and PMC Medicare Choice Could Carry Risks for Seniors!
Risks for Seniors?
Warning Medicare Beneficiaries! MMM Healthcare and PMC Medicare Choice Could Carry Risks for Seniors.
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A billing error at a Care One assisted living facility resulted in substantially increased charges without the resident or her family’s knowledge or consent.
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Bad Neighbors?
Daniel Straus’ development company, JZS Madison, bought six brownstones from the Whitney Museum for $95 million with plans to convert them to luxury condominiums.
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